FlatCon 2011 40k Appearance Sheet

Overall Painting (choose one if applicable)

(1 pt) Basic Painting: Army is fully painted, but only to the three-color standard of base coating.
(3 pts) Beyond Basic Painting: Army is beyond fully painted, additional steps beyond the three-color standard.
(6 pts) Masterful Painting: Overall appearance is amazing! Everything works great together to create an awesome scene.                                                                         

Uniformity (choose if applicable)          

(2 pts) Painting is Uniform: Not a mix of schemes, styles, and looks.                                                                                                   

Visual Theme (choose if applicable)       

(2 pts) Visually Thematic:  There is something striking, other than paint, which ties all the army together as a whole.                                                                                                  

Details (choose one if applicable)     

(1 pt) Basic Details: Details are painted such as eyes, buckles, and jewelry. 

(3 pts) Beyond Basic Details: Details (that are well executed) have been added such as unit markings, banner artwork, blood marks, etc.

(6 pts) Masterful Attention to Detail: Overall detailing is amazing! New details pop out at you every time you look at the army.                                                                                                       

Highlighting (choose one if applicable)  

(1 pt) Basic Highlighting: Lines are neat, dry-brushing is appropriate; inking is controlled and not sloppy.   

(3 pts) Beyond Basic Highlighting: Highlights have been blended, shaded, or layered to an above average standard.   

(6 pts) Masterful Highlighting/Blending: Overall highlighting and blending is amazing, with near flawless transitions between colors.                                                                                          

Basing (choose one if applicable)  

(1 pt) Basic Basing: Models are cleanly based and have basing materials (flock/sand/tiles) or painted on details.   

(2 pts) Extra Basing: The bases have multiple materials, extra details, or some other features to make them stand out as above average.                                                                                                        

Conversions (choose one if applicable)        

(1 pt) Minimal: The army has some elementary conversions (head and weapon swaps, arm rotations) or a couple interesting swaps.       

(2 pts) Minor: Units have multi-kit conversions including head and weapon swaps. This is for more than a few models such as a unit.   

(3 pts)Major: The army has some difficult conversions that use things such as putty, plastic card, drilling, sawing, minor sculpts, etc.                                                                                

Display (choose one if applicable)    

(1 pt) Basic Display Base: The army has a rudimentary display base, beyond an unfinished tray or lid.

(3 pts) Intricate Display Base: The army has an intricate display base with terrain elements themed and painted to match the army.

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