Flatcon 2011 40k Rules

Note About Registration
All players will be required to buy a convention badge to get into FlatCon.  You can buy these at the door or ahead of time at www.flatcon.com

The FlatCon website will no longer take entry fees for events directly.  Entry fees for the 40k events should be sent via Paypal to python34_309@hotmail.com

Early registration for the 40k events is highly encouraged.  It not only guarantees your spot in the tournament, but it allows the organizers to better anticipate turn out and coordinate prize support.

FlatCon 2011 40k Championship Tournament Rules
Sunday October 23 @ 9am

Entry Fee

Basic Rules:
·         Armies will consist of 1850 points or less, using a standard force organization chart.
·         Players MUST use the same army list throughout the tournament.
·         Each player MUST bring a total of THREE (3) tactical markers based on 40mm circular bases.  
·         All models MUST be WYSIWYG and painted to a 3-color minimum standard.
·         Scratch built, converted, and non-citadel miniatures will be allowed so long as they a) are clearly identifiable as the unit they are representing, and b) do not provide any sort of in game advantage over the sanctioned GW equivalent.  If models do not abide by these rules rule they will at minimum be substituted with the equivalent GW model.  If no substitute is available they may be removed from tournament play with no replacement allowed.  If you are in doubt it is always best to contact the tournament organizer and get your models approved ahead of time.  
·         The Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rules and all relevant Games Workshop Errata and FAQs will be used.
·         The Adepticon INAT FAQ will be used to resolve additional rules disputes.
·         New codices that are released prior to September 21st, 2011 will be allowed in the tournament.
·         A separate printed army list is required for the judges and each of your opponents.
·         Forge World/Imperial Armor units are NOT allowed; however players may still use their Forge World models to represent a unit from their codex.
·         Special/Unique/Named Characters may be fielded, provided their individual rules allow them to be used in armies of 1,850 pts or less.
·         You must provide access to your own rules (which include the actual Codex used for your army), dice, templates, pen/pencil, calculator, or anything else you'll need during the course of regular play.
·         Individual units that may have multiple rules versions will follow the rules presented in that army's codex. Please take the time to review the relevant GW/AdeptiCon FAQ's for clarifications.
·         If illegal units or rules violations are found in a player's list, at a minimum, the models in violation will be removed from all subsequent play. Tournament points may be deducted and award eligibility may be forfeited.
·         All judge rulings are final.

Battle Points - 60%
Sportsmanship – 20%
Appearance –20%

Overall – Total points/battle point tiebreaker.
General – Battle points/mission objectives achieved tiebreaker.
Appearance – Appearance points/player’s choice vote tiebreaker.
Sportsman – Sportsmanship points/battle point tiebreaker.

Check In – 9am-10am
Game One – 10am -12pm
Lunch – 12pm – 1pm
Game Two – 1pm – 3pm
Game Three – 3:15pm – 5:15pm
Awards 5:30pm

FlatCon 2011 40k Team Tournament Rules
Saturday October 22 @ 9am

Entry Fee
$20 per team

Basic Rules
·         Teams will consist of 2 Team Members. Each Team Member’s army will be 1000 points or less, using one of the Team Tournament Force Organization charts below.
·         Team Members MUST use the same army list throughout the tournament.
·         Models must be WYSIWYG and painted to a three color minimum.
·         Teams MUST bring a total of THREE (3) objective markers based on 40mm circular bases. These objective markers should be themed to match your team.
·         Scratch built, converted, and non-citadel miniatures will be allowed so long as they a) are clearly identifiable as the unit they are representing, and b) do not provide any sort of in game advantage over the sanctioned GW equivalent.  If models do not abide by these rules rule they will at minimum be substituted with the equivalent GW model.  If no substitute is available they may be removed from tournament play with no replacement allowed.  If you are in doubt it is always best to contact the tournament organizer and get your models approved ahead of time.   
·         The Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rules and all relevant Games Workshop Errata and FAQs will be used.
·         The Adepticon INAT FAQ and the INAT IA/Apoc Appendix will be used to decide disputes not covered by the official rules or GW FAQs.
·         New codices (official codices available in print, pdf, or White Dwarf) that are released prior to September 21st, 2011 will be allowed.
·         Each Team Member on a 2-Player Team must provide their 1000 point list to the opposing team during each round of the tournament.
·         Each team may field a maximum of one Imperial Armor/Apocalypse unit (see below) following the rules and restrictions as noted in the AdeptiCon 2011 Allowable Imperial Armor & Apocalypse Units rules. Units allowed in this event will have ‘TT’ noted in the Event column.
·         Each Team Member must bring all materials needed to play a game and report the results, including dice, measuring devices, templates, and a writing implement.
·         Each team must have a Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and the codex (or codices) represented by the team during each game. This includes rules for any Imperial Armor and/or Apocalypse Units your team is fielding. These rules MUST be made available to your opponents at all times. You will NOT be allowed to field any models or units that you cannot produce the most current set of rules for.
·         Individual units that may have multiple rules versions will follow the rules presented in that army's codex. Please take the time to review the relevant GW/AdeptiCon FAQ's for clarifications.
·         If illegal units or rules violations are found in a player's list, at a minimum, the models in violation will be removed from all subsequent play. In extreme instances awards eligibility may be forfeited.
·         All judge rulings are final.

Battle Points - 60%
Sportsmanship – 20%
Appearance –20%

Overall – Total points/battle point tiebreaker.
General – Battle points/mission objectives achieved tiebreaker.
Appearance – Appearance points/player’s choice vote tiebreaker.
Sportsman – Sportsmanship points/battle point tiebreaker.

Check In – 9am – 10am
Game One – 10am – 12:30pm
Lunch 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Game Two 1:30pm – 4pm
Game Three 4:15pm – 6:45pm
Awards 7:00pm

Team Member: An individual member of a Team and their 1000-point list.

Team: The combined forces of two Team Members. A team is treated as a single entity comprised of two individual 1000-point forces; teams will also be referred to as Imperial, Heretical, Xenos or Hybrid (see below).

Brothers in Arms: For the purposes of the AdeptiCon Warhammer 40K Team Tournament, units purchased from the EXACT SAME CODEX are considered ‘Brothers in Arms’ and may receive additional benefits as outlined below. The term ‘Brothers in Arms’ should be used to replace references to ‘friendly units’ in various codices. See the Brothers in Arms section below for more information.

Force Organization
•Team members must each choose a different FOC chart below to build their 1000 point list.

Chart 1
Chart 2
Chart 3
Chart 3
Fast Attack
Heavy Support
Allowed 1 Apoc Unit*

* Chart 1 is allowed to field up to one unit from the AdeptiCon 2011 Imperial Armor & Apocalypse Units rules. This unit may be chosen from any Force Organization slot and takes up the appropriate Force Organization slot as normal. In all cases, a maximum of one (1) IA/APOC unit may be taken per Team, even when the said unit does not take up a Force Organization slot or more than one unit may be purchased as a single slot.
•Units from codices that DO NOT take up a Force Organization slot may be taken in addition to units allowed/required by the FOCs above as long as the unit prerequisites are met (e.g., Dark Angel and Blood Angel Techmarines, Dark Angel Command Squads, Chaos Lesser Daemons, Space Marine Command Squads, The Emperor's Champion). This also includes multiple units bought in a single Force Organization slot (e.g., Chaos Daemon Heralds, Space Wolves HQ).
•Any unit designated as a "required" choice (designated by a "1" or "1+" in the codex) becomes an "optional" choice for the Team Tournament (e.g., Emperor's Champion, Fire Warriors, etc.).

Teams and Special Characters
•Each team will be classified Imperial, Heretical, Xenos, or Mixed based on the codices used. Your team type will determine your Team’s access to Special/Unique/Named Characters. 

Grey Knights
Sisters of Battle
Space Marine Variant
Imperial Guard
Chaos Space Marines
Chaos Daemons
Imperial Guard (modeled as traitor guard)
Dark Eldar
Any combination
Special Characters Allowed
Unlimited *
Unlimited *
Unlimited *
1 per team
Other Benefits
Shared locator beacons & teleport homers
Shared Chaos Icons and Icons of Chaos

* All instances of Special/Unique/Named Characters must be unique. For example: an Imperial Team cannot field Logan Grimnar twice. This also applies to upgrades to squads (e.g., Boss Snikrot, Sergeant Telion, the Changeling).

Brothers in Arms
Units purchased from the EXACT SAME CODEX are considered ‘Brothers in Arms’ and may receive additional benefits:
• Units that alter an army's Force Organization selections WILL affect other Team Member's 1,000-point lists, for example a Space Marines Master of the Forge allows all Brothers in Arms to take Dreadnoughts, Venerable Dreadnoughts and Ironclad Dreadnoughts as Heavy Support choices as well as Elites choices.
• Special/Unique/Named Characters CAN ONLY join units of Brothers in Arms.
• Special Abilities (other than alterations to the Force Organization) that would affect an entire ‘army’ or ‘friendly units’ may affect both Team Members if their forces are considered to be ‘Brothers in Arms’.
• Vehicles with the transport capability CAN ONLY be used to transport Brothers in Arms (e.g. a Black Templar Land Raider Crusader brought as a Heavy Choice for one Team Member cannot transport a squad of Grey Hunters).

FlatCon 2011 40k Kill Team Tournament Rules
Friday October 21 @ 5:30pm

Entry Fee

Basic Rules
·         Kill teams will consist of 200pt armies selected from the following force organization chart.
o   0-1Elite
o   0-2Troops
o   0-1Fast Attack
·         Three models in the kill team may each be given a different universal special rule from the main rulebook. These special rules must be clearly marked on the kill team’s army list and must remain the same throughout the tournament. Specialists need to somehow be marked or easily distinguishable from the rest of the kill team.
·         During the game all models act as individual units, even if they were purchased as part of a squad or squadron. In addition, when a model shoots or fights in an assault it may split its attacks up amongst any eligible targets if desired.
·         Each round will have a mission outlining deployment, special rules, and victory conditions. The first player to achieve the mission objective wins with a Major Victory.
·         Missions will not require scoring units to achieve the victory condition, but they may reward taking scoring units by making the condition easier to achieve with a scoring unit.
·         If during the game a kill team has been reduced to half its starting models it must take a leadership test at the beginning of the owning players next turn. A player may use the leadership of any model in their kill team still alive at the time of the test. If the test is passed then the kill team fights on as normal. If the test is failed then the gang heads for the hills and the game ends with a Minor Victory for the other player. The player must take this test at the start of every game turn after their kill team has been reduced to half its starting models.
·         Each test beyond the first one applies a cumulative -1 modifier to the kill team’s highest leadership. So the second test taken is at -1, the third test at negative 2, and so on.
·         The fearless special rule or any other rules that affect morale/leadership checks do not affect this test in any way.
·         If a kill team has only vehicles left alive then the team’s highest leadership is assumed to be 10. If the kill team has any non-vehicle models alive then the team’s highest leadership is taken from models with a leadership value.
·         Models may not be voluntarily held in reserve. Models which must be held in reserve (such as chaos demons, chaos less demons, drop pods) follow their normal deployment rules.
·         Some transports must be held in reserve such as Space Marine drop pods. However, the models purchased with the transport do not need to be held in reserve with the transport. They must therefore be deployed according to the mission and may not be held in reserve inside the transport.
·         Dedicated transports may begin the game with any one of the models purchased with the transport inside. However only one model may ever occupy any vehicle with the transport ability at any one time.
·         Models should be painted to the normal 3 color tournament standard.
·         Bring a copy of your list for you, the judge, and each of your opponents.
·         All judge rulings are final.

Certificates will be made up for Best Overall and Best Appearance

Check In – 5:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Game One – 6:00 p.m. – 6:45 p.m.
Game Two – 7:00 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.
Game Three – 8:00 p.m. – 8:45 p.m.
Awards 9:00 p.m.

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